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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

goldilocks with the missing bear....

Kisah seorang budak yg baru di potong rambutnya ....maka dengan itu barulah dunianya kembali 'cerah'...kalau sebelum itu....bila merangkak asik bumped into chairs and sofa jer....
So now her world seems BIGGER than she thought ...she just realized that there's so many things within her....and lots of thing to be explore....
So she went exploring by herself............
Silently .....she started with full of confidence trying to stand up and walked...but ofcoz it was failed...sorry dear..u cant walk yet...sooner maybe ok!!! But she 's not gave up , so she started crawling like 'one cute orangey soldier with a big butt ' to the room...
Starting with her sisters' bedroom where all the treasures kept inside .....
Aha....found one treasure...,let's check out what's inside!!!!!!
Naaahhh..this one was NOTHING..so let's moved on........till......

Hey.....this cute house looked nice.....I wonder what's inside!!!!! Let's peek in....

Just in a glimpse she's already inside .....with a 'jakun' face...trying to touch everything....looking down the stairs..finding the owner of the cute house....
Since she found nobody..so her 'so called adventures' continued......till this Little Goldilock found this tiny cute wooden thing which she didn't know what it was....confused either to bite it or to smash it .....
After trying to do both ..then only she found out that it was a tiny wooden chair........
And boy she just couldn't wait to seat on it...and ofcoz with mommy help...YESSSSSSS....ATLAST she sat on it!!!!!Kehkehkehkeh............ MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!!
On the other side......
The owner of the cute house actually was peeking on this goldilock without her noticed....jengjengjeng............

Habis Sudahhhhhhhh ceritaaaa.........semua watak & jalan cerita hanyalah rekaan semata2!!! Tidak ada sebarang kerosakan & kelukaan berlaku sepanjang kejadian.....


~Rina Mazlan~ said...

Mcm the bedtime storyla pulak.. tembamnye anak awak nii.. eiii geram2...

Naddiea said...

alalalala comelnya raisha ni.lepas ni habis la umah kene geledah dengan Raisha the explorer.hihihi...

chiko said...

farah! ajar dia kemaih umh plak la.. nyelongkar je keje dia.. biasa dia tu..

Irm said...

aku suka the part si tomei ni duduk kat kerusi.. :-D

Unknown said...

farah...lepas ni....habisla barang2 kakak dia main....:)
can't wait for irdina.......

Diamilikku said...

raisha actually tak sabar2 nak join kakak2 main....plus mommy pun tak sabar2 nak tgk raisha boleh main sendiri without mommy's help kan..so that mommy can facebooking n blogging with no worries...hahahahahah

aramis2177 said...

rina: heeeee...tq!
shepah: betull..jd raisha the explorer!!!!hahahaa....
chiko: hahah....xlarat nak ajaq dah nih....esp tang lipat kain....seploh kali aku lipat..duploh kali dia sepahkan! haih...
irma: hehehe...bontot terlebey besaq daaa
aini: hehehe...tunggu irdina besaq esok sama laa....
sone: wwwwweeeeee..kantoi sudAaaaa....shhh......dediam!!!walaupun tekaan mu benar belaka! :p

Baby Lyana said...

hahah i loikee..... comey nyer......uihh dah lama tak tinggai komen...baca jer, tp mood nak mengomen sgt la malas....maafkan daku

iEtaFAkyR@ said...

cumilsss nya kekanak nih bila bermain! syiok kan layan... hihihii


besh nye raisha..explore sana sini dgn muka yg bam bam gitu..gewammm...cute sesangat la..