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Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

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Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

class party before summer hols.....

Pics taken this morning......hari ni our balqises will have their class party...before the school close for summer......lama gak diorg cuti....till 26th sept....ala2 lepas raya gitu....yg best sini kalau posa n raya mmg cuti jaaa.....bertuah anak2 yg duk sini...time posa n musim panas xyah pi sekolah.....kita dulu duk mesia sampai lembik2 pi sekolah time posa...tu tak kira kalau kena sekolah petang....menguap lam kelas tok sah kira ntah brp puluh kali.....mana hat pi sengap2 telan ayaq kat toilet lagi.....weehhehhehee.....iskkk...iskkk.......oh, yg pasti itu bukan kerja saya yaa....saya budak baik wooo!!!!!

Sepatutnya today mak depa ni kena preparekan some snacks for the party....each parents kena prepare some foods laa utk depa bawa pi skul...tapi saya ngelat....since tak tau nak buat apa.....kang aku masak apa2 yg ada daging kaa...ada plak budak xmakan ka apa....so semlm tapau kan jer house of donuts 1 dozen kat depa.....senang keje mommy! huhuhuhu.........heh......

1 comment:

iEtaFAkyR@ said...

dedara cumilssss............ hope they enjoy the party. wwoohhhaa!