HUHUHUHUUHU......the moment i sending the entry i am fully drained.....why???last weekand...after hubby selamat sampai sini..( entry ni belum sempat update..will do later after i got pics from
acik ) hari Sabtu n Ahad tu aku ada family gathering on hubby's all in the family join.....Mak Ayah, Kak Fid's family , Abang Zali's Family , Man's Family, Lan's Family n offcourse our agak ramai laa.....we spent the weekand at A'Famosa ...... ( also will update this later ) ..sangat best.....
Now...back at home....cuma there's so much to do before we balik my "kampung" on this Wednesday.....( gosh..need to take a deep breath!!!!! ) mmg sangat penat...tambahan pulak dengan kain yg berbakul - bakul yg perlu dibasuh...adoi!!!!dah basuh tu offcourse laa peh tu kena lipat kan......huhuhuhuhu......need a good rest.....tapi xde masa!!!!time flies sangat cepat.......tau2 dah 5hb ni.....berapa hari lagi nak berangkat nih.......baju satu apa xpack lagi....tolong2....hulurkan bantuan!!!!!!!
ok laa..till then....nk pi sambung sidai baju....

Taken masa tgh tengok Red Indian Show at Cowboy Town!
For more pics....will update later in my
huhuh momi fenat ey..takpe dedi dh disisi!!!! need extra hand? ghazi leh dtg tlg..huhu..tulun kisai la..ehe
cute nye gamba itu..!! ehehehe.. bestnya dpt g dok jauh2.. cant wait~ my turn..? u never know!!
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